Ideas are the result of a thought process that one goes through, be it creatives in a brainstorming in a professional setting e.g. Art directors in advertising or be it in a personal capacity sitting in a train in silence surrounded by strangers. The thought process could be sparked by something one might have seen, starting a chain of thoughts leading to an idea one might have. Individuality is a key aspect of an idea as even though the thought process might have been sparked by someone else, the thoughts that follow are completely one’s own being aided by one’s character.
Background, experiences and culture would play a role in the formation of an idea. As isolated as an idea is, it draws from various aspects of life, passed, present or future. Think outside the box is an expression constantly used in professions that are art orientated or creatively motivated, this is an encouragement to take the point of departure in terms of the topic or concept and not to only think of ideas which are in close relation to it. One could for example then take something conventionally seen as unrelated and find it somehow making sense to group together.
In the case of only having one idea, the danger comes in when it is worked into ones ideology and way of life, you only see everything in one light, nothing else is considered. An example could be that of an extremist Muslim, they would only see one way and have one way of doing things, it’s either that one way or nothing else, if one doesn’t fall within the confines of that ideal that the extremist has in his mind then you could pose as a threat to him and might cause him/her to label you, the enemy. Danger exudes when sense or an alternative direction of thought in a new light cannot be instilled.